July 2022

Issue 2

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Type: Print Edition

In Issue 2 of Tudor Places, we follow in the footsteps of the Cornish rebels as they march on London, explore Henry VIII's sumptuous privy lodgings in the Bayne Tower at Hampton Court Palace, and learn about the magnificent lost palace of Nonsuch.

We look at the rivalry, reform and renaissance which propelled Wells Cathedral to pre-eminent status over its neighbours at Glastonbury and Bath, and there's a detailed look at how the Reformation changed the very fabric of English parish churches, with the outcome still visible in those churches that you can visit today.

There's an itinerary and suggestions for Tudor places to visit in North Yorkshire, plus news, book listings and more...

Type: Print Edition

Articles include

In the Footsteps of the Cornish Rebels

In 1497, an uprising of Cornishmen, angry at increased taxes and royal demands, made a remarkable march across England, from the far west of Cornwall to London, to present their grievances to the government. Julian Humphrys looks at the route, progress and outcome of the Cornish March on London.

The Lost Palace of Nonsuch

Henry VIII’s last great construction project was, in its day, the height of modernity and the epitome of Tudor opulence. There was ‘none such’ palace to rival this sixteenth-century grand design. Dr Elizabeth Norton explores what is known of the magnificent palace and what can still be seen today.

Rivalry, Reform and Renaissance at Wells Cathedral

In Somerset, the Dissolution of the Monasteries brought an end to centuries of rivalry between Wells Cathedral and the abbeys at Glastonbury and Bath. Dr Emma J. Wells charts the path of the cathedral through the Reformation to pre-eminent status over its neighbours.

The Bayne Tower: Henry VIII's Private World

Built for Henry VIII in 1529 – 30, the Bayne Tower at Hampton Court Palace had one of the most sophisticated en-suite bathrooms of its time. Tracy Borman explores the Bayne Tower and how it became the private sanctum of an increasingly ill monarch.

How the Reformation Changed English Parish Churches

The seismic changes wrought by the Reformation in the sixteenth century are imprinted in the very fabric of the parish churches. Dr Emma J. Wells explains what these changes were, why they occurred and where their impact can still be seen today.

In Conversation with Phil Downing

Phil Downing, is the Hall and Programmes Manager for Harvington Hall, an Elizabethan manor house in Worcestershire. Remarkably unchanged since its construction in the 1570s, Harvington has seven priest hides and an extensive collection of rare Elizabethan wall paintings. Outside of work, Phil runs a Facebook page, The Tudor Tours, and takes part in re-enactments of the Tudor period, most recently as the young Henry VIII.

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