November 2022

Issue 4

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Type: Print Edition

In Issue 04 of Tudor Places, we learn about Wolsey’s Closet at Hampton Court Palace, investigate the colourful world of medieval stained glass, explore the site of the Battle of Flodden, discover the secrets of the royal jewel houses and find out about the lost Chelsea Manor. There’s an itinerary for Tudor places to visit with a Christmas theme in Derbyshire, plus news, book listings and more….

Type: Print Edition

Articles include

The "Wolsey Closet": A Remarkable and Mysterious Tudor Survival at Hampton Court Palace

One of the best surviving fragments of Henry VIII’s privy apartments at Hampton Court Palace, the “Wolsey Closet” provides a tantalising glimpse of how colourful and highly decorated those apartments were. Charles Farris explores the wonders of this small space, where nothing is as it seems.

Stories Painted in Light: The Art of Stained Glass in the Early Modern Era

Stained glass windows introduced light, dazzling colour and artistic creation into the cathedrals, churches, and later, houses, of the Early Modern period. They were also effective tools for conveying religious messages and royal propaganda in a time when a large proportion of the population was illiterate. Dr Emma J. Wells looks at the development and use of this iconic building material.

The Battle of Flodden

The English victory at the Battle of Flodden, led by Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, and his sons, was a disaster for Scotland. Its nobility was decimated and their king, James IV, became the last reigning British monarch to be killed in
battle. Julian Humphrys explores Flodden battlefield and the bloody events that occurred there on 9 September 1513.

The Lost Chelsea Manor

Although one of Henry VIII's smaller residences, Chelsea Manor had noteworthy associations with several Tudor queens, one of whom, Anne of Cleves died there. Dr Elizabeth Norton searches out what is known about the manor, which is now long gone, almost without trace.

Secrets of the Jewel Houses: Home of Royal Treasures

In an age where much wealth was held in portable objects, the medieval and Tudor kings housed their jewels, plate and other valuables in jewel houses within their palaces. Dr Nicola Tallis looks at those jewel houses in which Henry VII and Henry VIII stored their treasures.

In Conversation with Melanie Backe-Hansen

Melanie Backe-Hansen is an independent historian, author and speaker who specialises in researching the social history of houses, streets and areas across the United Kingdom. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, as well as a Member of the Royal Historical Society, The Society of Authors, and the Historical Writers’ Association.

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The taster bundle includes 3 issues of Tudor Places magazine jam-packed with articles on palaces, castles, cathedrals, manor houses, churches, military forts and more!

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