April 2024

Issue 12

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Type: Print Edition

In Issue 12 of Tudor Places, we delve into the vibrant and highly decorated world of Tudor wall paintings and hangings. We explore the eight colleges founded at Cambridge University during its golden age of Tudor patronage and we learn about Otford Palace, an episcopal palace that in its day rivalled Hampton Court for size and splendour. We follow in the footsteps of the rebels in the Pilgrimage of Grace, one of the biggest threats to Henry VIII's reign. We journey through the Cotswolds, from north to south, enjoying the wonderful Tudor history of this scenic areas and we pause at Gloucester Cathedral to study the impressive tomb of William Parker, the last Abbot of Gloucester. All of this, plus news, books and more....

Type: Print Edition

Articles include

These Walls Can Talk: Tudor Wall Paintings

Popular perceptions of what Tudor buildings looked like are strongly shaped by the mainly monochrome colours of what remains today. But the reality - of highly decorated, and often very colourful, interiors - is very different. Dr Emma J. Wells looks at the fascinating world of Tudor wall paintings.

In the Footsteps of the Pilgrimage of Grace

Opposition to the religious changes introduced in the 1530s and, in particular, the dissolution of the monasteries exploded into outright rebellion in 1536, in one of the biggest threats to Henry VIII's reign, known as the Pilgrimage of Grace. Dr Kirsten Claiden-Yardley explores the places connected to these risings across northern England.

Cambridge: A Tudor Treasure House

The Tudor period was a golden age for Cambridge University. It received extensive royal patronage and saw the construction of some of England's finest surviving Tudor buildings. Julian Humphrys looks at Tudor Cambridge and in particular at the eight colleges that were founded there at that time.

The Tomb of William Parker: Last Abbot of Gloucester

When William Parker (abbot 1514 - 1539) commissioned his burial chapel, he ensured it was in a prominent position and adjacent to the tombs of a king, and a prince of Mercia. Sally Annesley looks at the tomb and what it tells us about this interesting man.

The Lost Otford Palace

In its heyday, Otford Palace in Kent, built for William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury at the beginning of the sixteenth century, matched Hampton Court in size and splendour. It was left to decay in subsequent centuries but luckily some remnants remain. Dr Elizabeth Norton explores the history and ruins of this once magnificent palace.

In Conversation with Julian Bell

Julian Bell is the Curator at Weald & Downland Living Museum. an open-air museum in the South Downs National Park in West Sussex, it tells the story of the built environment, landscape and domestic and working lives of rural communities since Saxon times.

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