Issues 1 - 15
Bumper Collection
All 15 issues of Tudor Places in one super-size collection!
Lose yourself in the world of the Tudors: castles, forts, abbeys, cathedrals, manor houses, churches, prodigy houses and Oxbridge colleges, along with gardens, tombs, wall paintings and much, much more.
We explore buildings and places throughout England and Wales, from Cumbria and the Anglo-Scottish border to Pembrokeshire in the west of Wales, from Yorkshire to Devon, Lancashire to Kent and everywhere in between. We follow in the footsteps of the Cornish rebels, go over to the Isle of Man, and across the channel to Brittany, where a young Henry VII spent time in exile.
We interview historians, authors, curators, archaeologists and other experts in the world of the Tudors, as well as those who own, manage and live in Tudor places.
This Bumper Collection has 15 itineraries for tours and weekends away exploring Tudor places with inspiration and recommendations for places to visit, eat and stay.
New to Tudor Places? This is the ideal way to catch up on all the issues we’ve published to date.
It’s the ultimate gift for people who love history and the places where history happened.
Articles include

The Lost Otford Palace

The Norfolk Tombs: A Family Mausoleum at Framlingham

Emmanuel College, Cambridge: 'A Puritan College'

A Tudor Christmas at Hampton Court Palace

In Conversation with Professor Suzannah Lipscomb

A Meander through Tudor Dorset

Get started with a taster bundle
The taster bundle includes 3 issues of Tudor Places magazine jam-packed with articles on palaces, castles, cathedrals, manor houses, churches, military forts and more!