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Exploring Medieval Westminster Palace and Westminster Abbey

Date and Time
4 December 2022
8:00pm - 9:15pm

Online lecture by Jonathan Foyle

This year has seen an extraordinary focus on Westminster Hall, one of the grandest spaces of medieval Europe, where Queen Elizabeth II lay in state before her burial at Windsor Castle. Many kings and queens are buried at Westminster, in a complex we still routinely call 'The Palace of Westminster'. But what is the history of Westminster Palace, including its Hall, and how did it relate to Westminster Abbey as a unique royal ensemble of church and state? Is it still a royal palace? And what evidence remains of the effect and meaning of the richly-decorated chambers kings and queens once occupied? This new talk by Jonathan Foyle takes us inside to explore the story over 500 years.

Event organiser is Jonathan Foyle.

Disclaimer: All information was correct when the listing was prepared. Any questions about the event should be directed to the event organiser.

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